Contractor Health & Safety Specifications

RFS Contractor Notification and Specification Language (September 5, 2019 update)


The Richmond Field Station (RFS) is currently under a Site Investigation and Remediation Order from the California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). UC Berkeley is continuing to investigate and clean up portions of the RFS that have been affected by historical industrial operations at the site and at adjacent properties. Chemicals that may be encountered in soils at the RFS include metals and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). It is important to follow established procedures if soil disturbance is planned to ensure RFS community and worker safety and to avoid disturbing sensitive wildlife.

General Contractor and Community Requirements

All persons who work at the RFS are required to take the Working at the Richmond Field Station Awareness training. Alternatively, a live training session can be scheduled with the campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S).

Due to the unique environmental conditions at the Richmond Field Station, prior approval is required for any activities that:

  • disturb sensitive habitats or endanger the California Ridgway’s rail (formerly called the California clapper rail,
  • release emissions of material (dust, smoke, chemicals, etc.) into the air or water,
  • involve digging in upland soils or marsh sediments,
  • involve planting of vegetation,
  • include collecting plants or animals. It is prohibited to collect and eat any fruit or other plant material including wild berries, apples and prickly pear fruit.

Persons who disturb soil must first obtain approval through Richmond Field Station Operations by contacting Scott Shackleton at sends e-mail) and require special training and precautions from EH&S. 

The complete "Soil, Groundwater, and Geotechnical Borings Contract Requirements(PDF file)" file is available for download.