Site Background

What is the Richmond Field Station (RFS)?

The RFS is a 170 acre parcel owned by the University of California (UC) located in Richmond, about five miles from the central UC Berkeley campus. It was purchased in 1950 and is used primarily for College of Engineering academic teaching and research activities, but also houses some non-UC tenants. Current uses include the Northern Regional Library Facility, laboratories for other campus departments, including Art Practice, and EPA’s Region 9 Laboratory. The RFS also contains unique natural resources, including a remnant coastal terrace prairie and tidal marsh that is home the endangered...

Is the neighboring "Campus Bay" site owned by or connected to UC Berkeley?

No. “Campus Bay” is the name Cherokee-Simeon Ventures, or "CSV," has given to the site formerly owned by Stauffer/Zeneca, which is adjacent to RFS. It is a private development unaffiliated with UC Berkeley.

What are the contaminants found on the UC Berkeley Richmond Field Station (RFS) site?

The main contaminants are the metals mercury, lead and copper from the California Cap Company operations.

Pyrite cinder waste (waste from sulfuric acid production) that includes an assortment of metals (arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, selenium and zinc) and creates low pH (acid) conditions, was deposited by Stauffer Chemical Company in the early 1900s.

An isolated spot of PCB contamination was found at the outfall of the Western Storm Drain in Meeker Slough and was cleaned up in 2003, although detectable PCBS remain in some other locations at RFS.

Why is remediation needed at the RFS?

Industrial activities that occurred prior to UC ownership led to the majority of contamination found at the RFS. The three main pollutant sources were:

The California Cap Company (the former site owner), which manufactured mercury fulminate for blasting caps from the 1870s to 1940s on what is now the RFS property. Stauffer Chemical Company, acquired by Zeneca Inc., which operated on property adjacent to the RFS from 1919-1962. Stauffer Chemical manufactured sulfuric acid, pesticides and other chemicals. This neighboring property is now owned by Cherokee-Simeon Ventures, LLC, also known...