Emergency Contacts
Fire or life threatening emergencies call 911
- To report hazardous materials spills, air releases, nuisance conditions (noise, odors or dust) or threats to wildlife:
- EH&S: (510) 642-3073
- After Hours, UC Police Department (UCPD): 911, or (510) 642-6760
- For injured, sick or dead wildlife
- Contra Costa County Animal Services: (510) 374-3966 or (925) 608-8400
- Report an oiled animal: Oiled Wildlife Care Network: (877) 823-6926
- Report West Nile Virus dead bird and squirrel: (877) 968-2473
- Lindsay Wildlife Hospital: (925) 935-1978
- WildCare, San Rafael, will accept birds from around the Bay Area: (415) 456-7283
- Contact for injured or dead Ridgway's Rails (notification required within 24 hours)
- Coast Bay Division, Endangered Species Program, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office: (916) 414-6623
UC Berkeley Contacts
- Office of Environment, Health & Safety (510) 642-3073
- Alicia Bihler, Environmental Programs Manager: (510) 725-2528, abihler@berkeley.edu
- University Health Service Occupational Health Clinic: (510) 642-6891
- Make an appointment: (510) 642-2000
- Occupational Health: (510) 642-1976
- Office of People & Culture (formerly Human Resources): (510) 642-7053
- Employee & Labor Relations: oxford_elr@berkeley.edu
- Capital Projects: (510) 643-7384
- RFS Operations Department: (510) 665-3401
- John Mitchell, Assistant Dean, College of Engineering: (252) 263-2237, jtmitchell@berkeley.edu
- RFS Superintendent, Justin Cocke: (510) 220-2712
- RFS Facilities Manager, Carla Yaznez: (510) 665-3401
External Contacts
- Contra Costa County Health Services Department
- Wendel Brunner, MD, PhD: (925) 313-6712, Wbrunner@hsd.co.contra-costa.ca.gov
- Department of Public Health - Environmental Health Investigation Branch: (510) 620-3620
- Tivo Rojas: (510) 620-3673, TRojas@dhs.ca.gov
- Mariliyn Underwood, (510) 620-3610, MUnderwo@dhs.ca.gov
- Department of Toxics Substances Control
- Julie Pettijohn, Branch Chief, (510) 540-3843, julie.pettijohn@dtsc.ca.gov
- Nicole Yuen, Project Manager, (510) 540-3839, nicole.yuen@dtsc.ca.gov
- The Watershed Project: (510) 665-3430
- Richmond Southeast Shoreline Community Advisory Group (CAG): For more information about the CAG or other public participation activities, please contact DTSC Public Participation at PublicParticipation@dtsc.ca.gov, 700 Heinz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94710