In September 2002, the University of California, Berkeley, began remediation work at the RFS to clean up legacy pollution from industrial activities that occurred prior to UC ownership of the land. While much of the south Richmond Shoreline was historically heavily industrialized and transformed into urban landscape, the unique history of the RFS allowed patches of marsh and coastal prairie to escape development. Post-remediation restoration of excavated areas will expand and enhance existing natural resources at the RFS, some of which are rare and unique remnants of ecosystems that existed before modern development of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Today, the RFS contains the last undisturbed coastal terrace grassland adjacent to the San Francisco Bay shoreline, seasonal wetlands, a large area of marsh consisting of native cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) and other vegetation that provide habitat for the endangered Ridgway's Rail (Railus longirostris obsoletus), tidal mudflats and eelgrass beds. The six acres of coastal prairie contains a rich assortment of native grasses and forbs, including a very rare patch of slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus). These resources have been identified as areas of Unique Restoration Opportunities in the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report..
This page presents reports on the natural resources of the RFS including project plans for restoration and monitoring. We hope to make this page a repository of data and reports on flora, fauna and the physical environment at the RFS as a resource for future studies. Please submit material for posting on this page to the campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety.