For research activities at the Richmond Field Station and Regatta sites, the following CEQA questionnaire must be completed to provide information on potential environmental impacts a project may pose in order to determine what action the project proponent might need to take to satisfy environmental regulations and the Long Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report mitigation measures.
Environmental resources considered in the EIR include: noise, lighting, visual aesthetics, air emissions (chemical and greenhouse gas), stormwater pollution prevention, hazardous materials use and disposal, soils disturbance, traffic, and potential impacts to biological and cultural resources.
All projects at the RFS that involve soil disturbance (including excavation and drilling), must comply with the Soils Management Plan (SMP) provisions of the EIR due to the RFS being managed under a State of California Department of Substances Control Site Investigation and Remediation Order due to legacy industrial chemical contamination.
The RFS contains sensitive native species in the uplands and marsh and projects must provide information necessary to address requirements of the Richmond Bay Campus Coastal Terrace Prairie Management Plan and any Endangered Species Act requirement for work in or near Western Stege Marsh
Projects Proposed at Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay CEQA Questionnaire