This is an update of this and next week's activities around the RFS and at the neighboring Zeneca site.
1. Zeneca remediation activities: As described in the December 2, 2005 news item, Zeneca, a private development adjacent to the RFS but not affiliated with UC Berkeley, has commenced the remediation work at their site. The work being completed was presented in the Draft Removal Action Workplan in October 2005 (see October 19, 2005 news) and approved by the State Department of Toxics Substances Control in late November 2005. This work includes sediment excavation, mixing and truck activity. Work will continue through the week of December 12 and possibly beyond, depending on weather conditions. Zeneca is approved to work in the marsh through December 31,2005. Continuous air monitoring and dust control measures will be in place during the removal activities. The site will be monitored by DTSC with supplemental monitoring to be completed by the campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety.
2. Zeneca Lot 1 monitoring well installation. Three monitoring wells are being installed in the northwest portion of the Zeneca near the entrance to the RFS site in an area known as Lot 1 on Thursday and Friday December 8 and 9, 2005. The purpose of these wells is to further assess the extent of residual groundwater contamination, particularly perchloroethylene, in a previously cleaned area.
3. RFS AOC7 fencing. A construction fence was erected this week around RFS Area of Concern 7, the former California Cap Company mercury fulminate plant to the west and south of building 102, to begin preparation of the site for remediation activities in 2006. A Removal Action Workplan is expected to be completed in spring 2006 and will be available for public review and comment electronically and at public workshops.
4. RFS Environmental Bulletin Board. The RFS Environmental Bulletin Board has been erected. It is located at the intersection of Robin and Egret Ways, to the southeast of Building 451. The Bulletin Board will be used to post current news on environmental activities in the RFS area, including notices and information on the Richmond South Shoreline Community Advisory Group (CAG) meetings. For further information on the bulletin board, including posting, please contact the RFS CAG member David Kim at or by telephone at (510) 665-3502.