1. Surrounding sites activities: Zeneca, a private development adjacent to the RFS but not affiliated with UC Berkeley, has completed marsh remediation and earth moving work for this construction season (remediation in the marsh is limited to September 1 to January 31 outside of the clapper rail breeding season). In January, the following activities will occur:
- contractors will be removing earth moving equipment and debris
- vegetation will be cleared at the edge of the lagoons for fence installation
- a fence will be installed near the lagoons
- contractors will complete hand shoveling in the marsh to improve drainage
For more information on Zeneca and other neighboring site activities, please see the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) South Richmond Shoreline Sites Status Report Revised Update January 4, 2006.
2. Fill area excavation: DTSC has scheduled excavation activities in the fill area at the end of Meeker Beach to begin on January 9, 2006. As previously reported (see October 21, 2005 news), this fill area is where a former UC employee claims to have buried drums in the late 1960s. The purpose of the current work is to uncover buried metal in this area and collect samples for chemical and radiological analysis. DTSC expects the work to be completed by the end of the week of January 9, 2006.
For more information and a map of the fill area location, please see the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Work Notice.
3. Richmond Field Station: There are no remediation activities planned at the RFS in January. Restoration is continuing with The Watershed Project transplanting starts in the marsh and upland coastal terrace prairie.