Beginning mid-October 2005, UC Berkeley resumed trapping at the Richmond Field Station (RFS) for predators of the California clapper rail, a federally listed endangered species known to inhabit Stege Marsh. This trapping is required by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to compensate for reduction in habitat during remediation and restoration activities being undertaken in Stege Marsh.
Trapping will occur on a regular basis throughout the year with a frequency established to maximize protection of the clapper rail and other species whose habitat has been disrupted. Predator species that will be trapped and removed from the site include: rats, raccoons, skunks, red foxes and feral cats.
Trapping is not being done in areas frequented by domestic house cats. In the unlikely event that a tame cat is trapped, the University will make every effort to return the cat to its owner. We recommend that Marina Bay residents who choose to let their cats run loose place a collar with identification on the cat.
For more information on clapper rail protection and habitat restoration at the RFS, go to the Restoration page.