Staff from the California Department of Health Services Environmental Health Investigation Branch (DHS) will be holding two drop-in sessions to meet with anyone from the RFS community to discuss health concerns:
- An on-site session at the RFS wil be held on Monday October 24, 2005, 11am to 2pm, Building 445.
- An off-site session will be held on Tuesday October 25, 2005 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the following location:
California Department of Health Services
Richmond Campus, Room RC C-160
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Richmond, CA 94804
DHS has provided a flyer for both the on-site and off-site sessions. The on-site flyer provides description of this visit to the RFS:
"We invite you to share any exposure and health-related concerns you may have about the chemicals found at the Zeneca and UC Richmond Field Station property with staff from the California Department of Health Services. By participating, you will help us understand your worries and how they fit in with what we find in our review of the chemicals in the environment.
We will be available to meet individually with Richmond Field Station workers to discuss your concerns in a safe and confidential setting. We will summarize these concerns in a final report in a general manner, without mentioning any names or personal information.
Your participation is completely voluntary and will not affect your work status in any way.
If you feel more comfortable speaking with us by telephone, or if you cannot attend the session and would like to share your concerns, you may contact Ms. Rubi Orozco, Public Health Educator, at (510) 620-3671. You may also email her at"