The following notice on the availability of the draft Environmental Impact report for the proposed Richmond Bay
Campus, including portions of the Richmond Field Station provides the link to the EIR documents. Note the Public Hearing for the EIR will be held on December 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Ciy of Richmond Council Chambers.
Please visit this website in the next week for futher updates on public meetings, including a DTSC Public Meeting for the draft Removal Action Workplan.
The University of California proposes to establish a new research campus at properties it owns in Richmond. The campus would allow for consolidation of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) research programs and for development of additional research facilities for use by LBNL and UC Berkeley and institutional or industry counterparts for research and development focused on energy, the environment, and health. The proposed 2014 Long Range Development Plan for the Richmond Bay Campus has been prepared by UC Berkeley and UC Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to guide development of up to 5.4 million square feet of research, office and support facilities through 2050.
UC is the Lead Agency for a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that analyzes the potential environmental effects of Long Range Development Plan related development and operations at the Richmond Bay Campus under the California Environmental Quality Act. The Draft EIR identifies significant and unavoidable impacts associated with development under the Long Range Development Plan in the following resource areas: air quality, cultural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and transportation. The Draft EIR is being circulated for agency and public review and comment over a 60-day period beginning Nov. 15, 2013 and ending Jan. 13, 2014.
A Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR, the Draft EIR and related documents are available for your review:
- On-line at:
- In local public libraries: The main branch of the Richmond Public Library located at 325 Civic Center Plaza, in Richmond; The City of Berkeley Central Library at 2090 Kittredge in Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Main Library at One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 50, Room 4034 in Berkeley.
- Copies also available by emailing; or by calling (510) 486-5289.
A Public Hearing will be held to receive oral public comment on the Richmond Bay Campus Long Range Development Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report at 7:00pm on Dec. 11, 2013 in the City Council chambers at the Richmond Civic Center located at 440 Civic Center Plaza in Richmond.
Thank You.
Armando Viramontes
Armando A. Viramontes
Government & Community Relations Representative
Public Affairs
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory