On September 15, 2006 the California Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) issued two new Site Investigation and Remediation Orders: one applying to the University of California, Richmond Field Station (RFS) and the other to the Zeneca Site, formerly owned by Stauffer Chemical and neighboring the RFS. These orders establish a timeline of tasks to further investigate and remediate both sites. The process to develop these orders was initiated in 2005, when regulatory oversight for both sites was transferred by the California Environmental Protection Agency from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to DTSC ( see http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2005/05/18_rfs.shtml for more information.) For the RFS, the order will allow the University to proceed with tasks that were being planned at the time of the agency transfer. Return to this website in the upcoming weeks for updates on activities associated with these orders.
September 18, 2006