Remediation is expected begin, pending agency approval, on a 0.15 acre portion of land located within the 17 acre northwestern portion of the former Zeneca Site, known as Lot 1, during the week of June 16, 2008. The area to be excavated is located along S. 46th St. to the east of B478, near the front entrance to the RFS.
Remediation work will involve the excavation of approximately 1,400 cubic yards of soil contaminated with volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The maximum excavation depth is expected to be approximately 11 feet. Confirmation soil sampling will be completed to assure cleanup levels are met.
All work will be completed under a work plan approved by the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). DTSC will provide regular oversight of the excavation activities.
As part of these activities, you can expect to see the following:
- Workers wearing appropriate safety gear operating an excavator, backhoe and/or bulldozer.
- Approximately 20 trucks per day will leave the site for approximately 5 to 10 days. Truck traffic will enter the site on South 47th Street and will temporarily stage in the parking lot located southeast of the excavation area. The trucks will approach the Lot 1 area from the south and will cross to the east on a temporary road where soil will be loaded onto the trucks.
- Soil will be placed into trucks for transportation to various permitted landfills. Each truck will carry approximately 15 cubic yards of soil. It is anticipated that 100 truck loads will be required to remove the contaminated soil.
- Trucks entering and leaving the site will be inspected and truck decontamination will be performed. The backhoe, drilling rig, sampling equipment, excavation equipment and transportation vehicles will be cleaned before leaving the site.
- The excavated area will be backfilled with clean imported fill.
- Dust control measures will be in place and dust levels will be monitored.
- Air monitoring will be conducted in accordance with a DTSC approved Perimeter Air Monitoring Plan. Air monitoring will be conducted at the perimeter of the excavation area to ensure that dust control measures areeffective. Temporary air monitoring stations will be established at 4 locations in the northwestern portion of the site.UC Berkeley EH&S staff will be reviewing the air monitoring data.
- The results of air monitoring will be posted on the Campus Bay website at: The RFS website will provide a link to this data once it becomes available.
The current estimated schedule of activities is the following:
- Wednesday, June 11- Completion of background air monitoring
- Friday, June 13- Abandonment of monitoring well
- Monday, June 16- Contractor mobilization to the site
- Wednesday, June 18- Anticipated beginning of excavation activities