The fourth phase of field activities at the RFS Site will commence in mid- to late- October 2014. Sampling activities include soil sampling in the coastal terrace prairie, installation of passive soil vapor monitors in the field to the east of B280 to investigation carbon tetrachloride in groundwater, installation of four groundwater monitoring wells along the edge of Western Stege Marsh, and exploratory excavation in the Bulb to determine the source of a magnetic anomaly. These activities are expected to begin the week of October 20 and take two to three weeks to complete. In addition, work is scheduled at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center to remove approximately six cubic yards on hydraulic oil contaminated soil on or around October 15. For more information on FSP, see the October 6, 2014 Work Plan on the Publications page of this website. DTSC previously issued a Work Notice for these activities.
October 10, 2014