A number of activities are occuring at properties in the RFS neighborhood in the upcoming month that are not UC Berkeley activities and will not impact campus property, but will lead to increased traffic at the Meade Street entrance to the RFS and at the Bay View intersections. Please be careful when entering and exiting the field station and traveling to and from the RFS.
1) East Stege Marsh sampling starts week of September 16, 2013.
Envrionmental consulants for the neighboring property owners of the former Zeneca site will be in East Stege Marsh next to the Bay Trail and Connector Trail to RFS Gate 4 the week of September 16 collecting sediment and water samples as part of the DTSC five- year review of the cleanup and restoration work performed in the marsh. Please see the DTSC Work Notice for more information.
2) Stege Pistol Range Soil Removal. Also starting approximately September 16, 2013, property owners of the Stege Pistol Range on South 51st Street at the Bay View exit, will begin excavation and off-site disposal of 48,000 cubic yards of lead contaminated soil from the portion of the property previously used by police and security deparments for training with handguns. Trucks will leave the site via the Bay View overpass and enter on to I580 going west. Please see the DTSC Work Notice- Stege Pistol Range for more information.
3) The City of RIchmond has now closed Marina Bay Parkway for 18 months for the Moody Underpass project. One of the alternative routes to and from the housing area is Regatta, via the new bypasss at the norht end of the RFS. Traffic has increased substantially at the RFS entrance and this will continue for a year and a half. For a map of the Moody Underpass project and more information go to the project website at