Begining December 1, 2008 consultants working on site remediation activities at the former Zeneca site will install approximately 14 soil gas probes around the perimeter of the Lot 1 soil excavation that was completed in August 2008 (see Current Activities for more information). That remediation involved the excavation of approximately 1,400 cubic yards of soil contaminated with volatile organic compounds and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that were shipped off-site for disposal at Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) approved websites.
DTSC is requiring installation of the soil gas probes as part of the post-excavation confimation of cleanup. The probes collect underground vapor which is then analyzed for chemicals of concern. The current draft installation plan calls for four probes placed along South 46th Street outside of the former Zeneca site fence line a short distance south of the RFS main entrance. It is expected that installation of the probes will be completed in two days.