Between October 2007 and February 2008, environmental consultants for the University implemented an indoor air monitoring program to supplement available data from past studies of RFS offices. The report "Indoor Air Monitoring University of California Richmond Field Station" completed August 22, 2008 by, Tetra Tech EM Inc. is available on the Air Monitoring Data page of this web site.
This report presents the findings of indoor air quality monitoring performed in eight 24-hour events in a total of twelve locations, including locations in five buildings and in outdoor areas, between October 2007 and February 2008. Indoor air samples were collected for analysis of twelve compounds identified as chemicals of concern in the August 2007 draft Public Health Assessment (PHA) completed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The intent of the sampling was to collect more data to follow up on statements in the PHA regarding insufficiency of available air monitoring data needed to evaluate some potential public health hazards. In addition, this air monitoring program was completed to provide the RFS community with additional reassurance that indoor air at the RFS is safe. The work plan for the monitoring program was submitted to CDPH for review.
Results of the air monitoring were compared to results of baseline studies performed by state and federal agencies, including the California Department of Health Services, at other sites in California and throughout the United States, to determine if they were values typical of indoor air. 1,192 analyses were performed on 312 samples collected during this monitoring program. RFS sampling results were within or below the ranges found in typical public and commercial office buildings in indoor air quality air studies from California and across the country.