On Wednesday October 1, 2008, contractors for the University will hand excavate approximately four cubic yards of soil in a remote location of the Richmond Field Station near the marsh where ash and debris were found in two areas that appear to have been locations where campfires were once built. The soil in these campfires was previously sampled and found to contain metals and polychlorinated biphenyls in concentrations requiring that they be removed to prevent potential exposure to humans, plants and animals. Information on the location of the campfires and sampling analytical results can be found in the July 11, 2008 Memorandum for a Time-Critical Removal Action at Two Campfire Locations in the Western Transition Area University of California, Berkeley Richmond Field Station.
Excavation work will include hand digging of soil and debris into five-gallon buckets. The soil will then be placed into one- cubic yard containers and transported to a State of California approved disposal facility. The State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has approved the work and will be on site to oversee the excavation. It is expected that up to four cubic yards of soil will be excavated and that the work will be completed within one day. For more information, see the DTSC Notice of Public Comment Period Time Critical Removal Action.