March 27-31, 2017 is Tsunami Preparedness Week in California. Strange as it may seem, the Richmond Field Station marsh edge is a tsunami zone. While a significant tsunami is not as likely to happen along the Bay Trail at the RFS as it might be on coastal beaches, it is a possibility and therefore we are asking you to take some time to be aware of tsunami preparedness resources and to plan ahead in the event of a large earthquake.
(Source: from
While a significant tsumani event leading to coastal inundation is rare in interior San Francisco Bay, the largest possible event could inundate portions of the Richmond Southeast Shoreline, including the Bay Trail and Western Stege Marsh at the Richmond Field Station. See the coastal inundation map for the Richmond shoreline.
If you frequently use the Bay Trail for recreation, please be aware that a large distant source tsunami or a large earthquake on a local fault could lead to flooding of the Bay Trail and marsh edge of the Richmond Field Station. In the event of a large earthquake head back inland immediately to the developed portions of the RFS or Marina Bay
For more information on California's 2017 Tsunami Preparedness Week go to the following website coordinated by the National Weather Service, NOAA, USGS, Cal OES and other state and federal agencies: