Two site investigations are being scheduled at the RFS in the upcoming month.
Beginning Friday July 27 and continuing into the next week, environmental consultants for Lawrence Berkeley Natinal Laboratory (LBNL) will complete geotechnical borings at six locations at the RFS and at one location at the 3300 Regatta property. Cone Penetrometer Testing direct push and auger drill rigs will be on site for this work expected to take 3- 4 days.
In early to mid August 2012, environmental consultants for UC Berkeley will implement the third phase of Field Sampling Plan investigations. Soil and groundwater samples will be collected in a period of approximately two weeks. The final work plan is being reviewed by DTSC and the work plan and schedule will be put on this website when finally approved by DTSC. Field work will include hand augering of shallow soil samples and collection of groundwater using a drill rig.