Two projects involving soil borings at the RFS will occur in the next two weeks as described below. All work will be completed with EH&S oversight.
1. Two geotechnical borings for the Hydrogen Fueling Station project will be completed on Thursday September 24, 2009. The borings will be located in the area of the former Helipad to the south of building B420 (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research center). Soil from the borings will be placed in drums and sampled for waste characterization. The work will take no longer than one day.
2. Beginning the week of September 28 , consultants for CSV at Campus Bay will complete a series of soil borings on the perimeter of the Campus Bay Lot 1 area that was excavated in 2008. Around 75 borings will be made in the Lot 1 area, across South 46th St. and along the east side and to the south east of buidling B478. The purpose of the borings is to complete a pilot treatibility study designed to degrade residual solvents in the soil and groundwater. Many of the borings will be used to inject an environmentally safe compound that promotes activity of soil bacteria to enhance natural degradation of the solvents. Some of the borings will be used to collect groundwater to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. Around 15 borings will be made on RFS property. For more information see the Treatibility Study Work Plan and Work Notice.