Work Notice: Eastern Transition Area Sampling Jan 8-12

January 4, 2024

Under the oversight of the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the University's environmental consultants will be conducting an environmental investigation at the Site. Work from January 8th through 12th involves sampling for PCBs in the Eastern Transition Area, shown on the figure below.

What Work Will Be Done?

  • The PCB investigation involves a truck mounted direct-push technology sampling mechanism. Soil removed from the boreholes will be sampled and the excess soil will be contained in drums. The drums will be stored onsite and removed following receipt of sample results. The driller will have 2-3 staff, and Tetra Tech will have will have 2-3 staff from our environmental consultant Tetra Tech for sampling and oversight. Work will begin during the week of January 8, 2024 and is expected to take 5 working days.

All work will be completed during normal business hours (7:00 AM to 6:00 PM).

Map of investigation.