The State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has issued a Work Notice that describes work to begin in the vicinity of the southeast parking lot of RFS B478 (Forest Products Laboratory) starting Wednesday May 4, 2011. Environmental Cconsultants working for the owners of the neighboring former Zeneca property will complete 12 additional soil borings as part of a treatability study. These borings continue Zeneca's study of the injection of environmentally safe compounds to enhance natural degradation of solvents in soil and ground water. Monitoring wells will be monitored periodically for up to a year to assess the effectiveness of the injections. All drilling , injections and follow-up monitoring work will be overseen by DTSC, as well as UC Berkeley staff from the Office of Environment, Health & Safety.
For more information on the treatability study see the Work Plan:
- February 25, 2011 Response to Department of Toxic Substances Control’s Comments on the Third Addendum to the Treatability and Pilot Study Work Plan for Localized Occurrences of Volatile Organic Compounds in Groundwater, Lots 1 and 2, Former Zeneca Facility, Campus Bay Project, Richmond, California
- March 8, 2011 DTSC Workplan Approval