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October 9, 2019

At this time power will not be impacted by PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff. (10:25am, 10/9/19)

September 20, 2019

The Richmond Field Station Environmental Website was migrated to a new platform and is live today! Please explore the new site - while things may have been rearranged, we have worked hard to preserve all of the content and documents from the original website.

We still have some work to do. There were over 600 documents to migrate from the old site to the new. About half of these have been added to the new website, and we will be working over the next several weeks to add the remaining documents. 

This weekend is the California Coastal Cleanup Day. Ahead of the weekend cleanup, RFS Facilities and EH&S staff held an internal Western Stege Marsh cleanup. This year staff recovered 10 bags of trash from the marsh edge. Some of the items recovered included a red ice chest, and old boombox, and several soccer balls.

Thank you to everyone who made this year's cleanup a success!

September 16, 2019

On September 12, 2019, the RFS Fall Town Hall meeting was held in the B445 Conference room. The EH&S presentation is available for viewing for those who did not make it. An archive of current and past activities is available for review on the Publications page. Recent technical reports and forms are provided for public viewing in the lobby of B478.

September 6, 2019

Beginning the week of September 30th Arcadis will resume final remediation construction activities for the Campus Bay Habitat Area 2 (HA-2) remediation project. Work in HA-2 started in September 2018, and concluded in January 2019. Due to the presence of the Ridgway's rail, construction within a 500 ft buffer of the marsh not allowed during the Ridgway's Rail breeding season, which is defined by February 1 to August 31. 

Work is expected to resume the week of September 30th and will include: 

August 30, 2019

The DTSC issued a public notice announcing the five-year review of the July 2014 Final Removal Action Workplan for the Research, Education, and Support Areas of the Richmond Field Station.

The purpose of the review is to determine if the current remedy continues to be protective of human health and the environment.

August 2, 2019

The draft technical report presenting a summary of the data collected during the Richmond Field Station water level sampling events in August 2018 and April 2019, and groundwater sampling event in April 2019 is available on the Publications page of this website.

May 10, 2019

Construction of the Northern Regional Libray Facility (NRLF) Phase 4 kicked off in May 2019. Construction is expected to last until August 2020.

Soil Management Plan forms and sampling results for the construction project are being added as they are made available to the SMP Form section of this website. 

May 6, 2019

This is a work notice for upcoming remediation work at the RFS Mercury Fulminate Area. 

October 15, 2018

The final technical report presenting sampling results collected from sediments and pore water in Western Stege Marsh in Janaury 2017 along with the DTSC approval letter is available on the Publications page of this website.

September 6, 2018

A TSCA PCB risk-based disposal approval for the EPA North Meadow soil pile excavation areas was submitted to EPA on August 15, 2018, with additional certification language submitted on August 29, 2018. EPA sent an approval letter on September 6, 2018. The removal action is planned for winter 2018-19.

March 15, 2018

The annual groundwater monitoring report, Final 2017 Groundwater Sampling Results Technical Memorandum, along with the DTSC approval letter for the Response to Comments on the draft report are available on the

November 27, 2017

Drillers and geotechnical consultants working for UC Berkeley will complete two geotechnical borings at the southwest side of the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF) beginning on Monday November 27, 2017. The borings are being completed to collect data on subsurface geology for structural design of a planned NRLF expansion, known as Phase 4, in this location. Work is expected to take two to three days to complete borings to a depth of approximately 80 feet below the surface.

This is a follow-up on the work notice for upcoming remediation work at the RFS Corporation Yard that was completed between October 10 and November 1, 2017. 

October 3, 2017

This is a work notice for upcoming environmental remediation work at the RFS Corporation Yard beginning on Tuesday October 10, 2017. 

July 31, 2017

The draft technical report presenting sampling results collected from sediments in Western Stege Marsh in January 2017 is available on the Publications page

May 24, 2017

Environmental consultants for the neighboring Campus Bay site installed a vapor pin in Richmond Field Station B478 in 2016 in order to sample soil vapor under the building. The sampling was required by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to determine if soil vapor under the building was impacted by increasing concentrations of vinyl chloride found in samples of groundwater from piezometer PZ-12 near the south end of B478. A soil gas sample collected through the vapor pin on January 31, 2017 found no detectable target volatile hydrocarbons.

May 19, 2017

Weed abatement at the neighboring Campus Bay (former Zeneca) site will be completed on the capped Lot 3 portion of the property through the end of May. See the DTSC Work Notice for more information.

April 18, 2017

Soil Management Plan Revision 1, Attachment C of the 2014 Removal Action Workplan, is available now on the Publications page of the website.

April 13, 2017

The next RFS Town Hall meeting is scheduled for 1:00-2:30 pm on Thursday April 13, 2017 in conference buidling B445.

See attached agenda.