A new on-line training program entitled “Working at the Richmond Field Station” is now available for viewing. This training is required viewing for all current member of the RFS community, including staff, students, faculty and tenants. The training deadline for all current community members is June 30, 2008. New employees should complete the training during the first week of employment.
“Working at the Richmond Field Station” was developed by the campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety to address concerns raised about disturbing soils or environmentally sensitive areas of the RFS and to raise awareness that any facilities usage must be approved by the College of Engineering. The training provides information on the history of the RFS and current regulatory oversight associated with the Remediation and Restoration Project currently underway.
There are two options for completing the required training:
Option 1- Live training sessions:
The Working at the Richmond Field Station training module will be presented by EH&S at three training sessions to be held in the Building 445 conference room from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. on the following three dates:
- May 20, 2008
- May 27, 2008
- June 3, 2008
Attending these sessions will satisfy your training requirement.
Option 2- Electronic viewing
The Working at the Richmond Field Station is available for viewing through two mechanisms, one for UC Berkeley associated community members and the other for non-UC Berkeley tenants or members of other campuses.
- For UC Berkeley students, faculty and staff:
- Go to the UC Learning Center at https://jwas.ehs.berkeley.edu/lmsi
- Log-in using your Calnet ID
- Open the training course titled “EHS 703 Working at the Richmond Field Station”
- Complete the training, including passing the short quiz at the end. Completion of the quiz is required to get credit for completing the training.
- For non-UC Berkeley affiliated community members (no Calnet ID)
- View the Powerpoint of the presentation from the following link: Working at the RFS Training Module
- Complete the training and report the date of completion to your supervisor.