All current and new members of the RFS community, including staff, students, faculty and tenants have been required to complete the “Working at the Richmond Field Station” powerpoint training program. New employees should complete the training during the first week of employment.
For UC Berkeley affiliates with a CalNet ID this training is now available for viewing on-line through the UC Berkeley blu portal. For non-UC Berkeley community members, the training ppt. file can be downloaded from the link below Additionally, EH&S is glad to provide this training live, which is particularly useful for classes and other groups.
“Working at the Richmond Field Station” was developed by the campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety to address concerns raised about disturbing soils or environmentally sensitive areas of the RFS and to raise awareness that any facilities usage must be approved by the College of Engineering. The training provides information on the history of the RFS and current regulatory oversight associated with the Remediation and Restoration Project currently underway.
Instruction for viewing the on-line training or downloading the powerpoint presentation can be found on the About RFS page of this website at the following link: