Working at the Richmond Field Station Training Links Updated

March 12, 2012

Updated, current versions of the Working at the RFS health and safety awareness training are available through links on this RFS Environmental Website.

Campus staff, faculty and students with Cal Net access should complete the training through the UCB Learning Center at For instructions, see the About RFS page of this website.

Non-UCB staff, students, tenants, and visitors can take the training from the link on the Training page of this website.

As a reminder, since 2008 campus policy has required that all staff, students, faculty and tenants must complete a brief electronic training about the history of the Richmond Field Station, information about the current remediation and restoration project, and safe work practices required to be followed by all members of the RFS community. This training should be completed by all new employees within the first week of hire and is now required for release of building keys.