
Title Author Year Publication type
2016.11.16 DTSC Approval Letter of Revised Schedule DTSC 2016 Agency Letter
2016.11.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.10.17 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.09.27 Draft Soil Management Plan, Revision 1 Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.09.27 Draft Soil Management Plan, Revision 1 Transmittal Letter Tetra Tech 2016 Transmittal Letter
2016.09.26 Draft 2016 Groundwater Sampling Results Technical Memorandum Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.09.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.12.09 Draft Phase V Field Sampling Plan DTSC Comment Letter DTSC 2016 Agency Letter
2016.08.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.07.18 Draft Phase V Field Sampling Plan Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.07.15 Draft Phase V Field Sampling Plan, Transmittal Letter Tetra Tech 2016 Transmittal Letter
2016.07.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.06.17 Imported Soils Sampling and Analysis Requirements to Assess Contaminant Concentrations UC Berkeley 2016 White Paper
2016.06.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.06.03 TSRCB445 Forms A and B for kiosk installation UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.05.16 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.05.16 Final Phase IV Sampling Results Technical Memorandum Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.05.16 Final Phase IV Sampling Results Technical Memorandum (no appendices) Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.05.12 DTSC Update Richmond Southeast Shoreline Sites DTSC 2016 Report
2016.04.22 DTSC Comment Letter on Phase IV Sampling Results Technical Memorandum DTSC 2016 Agency Letter
2016.04.15 Richmond Field Station Monthly Summary Report UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.04.14 DTSC Update Richmond Southeast Shoreline Sites DTSC 2016 Report
2016.03.24 B163PHYTOREM Forms and B including sampling results and Work Plan UC Berkeley 2016 Report
2016.03.30 Proposed Continued Groundwater Monitoring Locations for 2016 Tetra Tech 2016 Report
2016.03.28 Proposed Continued Groundwater Monitoring Locations for 2016 DTSC Approval Letter DTSC 2016 Agency Letter