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November 17, 2006

The new Site Investigation and Remediation Order recently issued by the Department of Toxic Substances Control requires that the University post signs stating "Caution Hazardous Substances Area Unauthorized Persons Keep Out" in areas where future remediation is going to occur. These signs have been posted in the area of the former mercury fulminate plant (also called Area of Concern 7) that was located to the west of Building 102 at the south end of the RFS site. Additional signs may be placed in other locations in the future.

November 1, 2006

Zeneca, through its environmental consultant LFR, completed groundwater along the property boundary between the former Zeneca site and the RFS during the week of October 9 (see October 5, 2006 news).

October 9, 2006

On Thursday October 12, 2006 and Friday October 13, 2006, The Watershed Project (TWP) will be working in the upland along the edge of Western Stege Marsh at the RFS to condition soil for planting in the upcoming rainy season. Activities will include removing weed block fabric, spreading rice straw and rototiling to mix the straw into the soil and reduce rutting. The area will then be watered to promote weed sprouting. After the intial flush of weeds is removed, the area will be planted with native coastal scrub and prairie plants being grown in the TWP nursery at the RFS.

The Watershed Project, a non-profit eductional organization and partner with UC Berkeley on marsh and grassland restoration at the RFS is holding its second annual open house on Sunday Octoer 15, 2006, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM. The Celebration by the Bay includes guided tours of the nursery and demonstration garden and of the marsh restoration project as well as many other events for children adults. For more information and the schedule of activities see:

October 5, 2006

Zeneca, through its environmental consultant LFR, plans to sample groundwater along the property boundary between the former Zeneca site and the RFS during the week of October 9. The work is being done according to a Field Sampling Activities Plan and Revision Letter Zeneca has submitted to the Department of Toxics Substances Control.

Beginning October 6, 2006, grading work will be taking place in clean soils in a small portion of Eastern Stege Marsh on the Zeneca Site. The grading is necessary to smooth ruts and to lower marsh elevations to target levels designed to create additional wildlife habitat as required by the permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers and by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Work will occur at the southwestern corner of the Zeneca site, whcih is next to the RFS connector trail at the intersection of the Bay Trail.

September 18, 2006

On September 15, 2006 the California Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) issued two new Site Investigation and Remediation Orders: one applying to the University of California, Richmond Field Station (RFS) and the other to the Zeneca Site, formerly owned by Stauffer Chemical and neighboring the RFS.

June 20, 2006

Beginning in late June or early July 2006 mowing will commence in the RFS prairie reserve as part of an effort aimed at elminating invasion of Harding grass (Philaris aquatica). The mowing is intended to reduce seed spread and to reduce the vigor of the plant. Mowing will not harm the native coastal prairie habitat as is being completed at the recommendation of campus biology faculty. A qualified biologist will oversee the work to insure that sensitive areas are not harmed.

June 1, 2006

Next Community Advisory Group (CAG) Meeting Thursday, June 8, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m The State of California Department of Toxics Substances Control has scheduled the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for Zeneca/Former Stauffer Chemical Company Site (that includes the Richmond Field Station and other nearby sites within its scope) for the following time and location:

Thursday, June 8, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m. .

May 2, 2006

Next Community Advisory Group (CAG) Meeting Thursday, May 11, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m The State of California Department of Toxics Substances Control has scheduled the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for Zeneca/Former Stauffer Chemical Company Site (that includes the Richmond Field Station and other nearby sites within its scope) for the following time and location:

Thursday, May 11, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m. .

March 21, 2006

he State of California Department of Toxics Substances Control has scheduled the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for Zeneca/Former Stauffer Chemical Company Site (that includes the Richmond Field Station and other nearby sites within its scope) for the following time and location:

Thursday, April 13, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m.

Richmond Convention Center - Bermuda Room
403 Civic Center Plaza at Nevin and 25th Streets
Richmond, California

In February 2006 the historic research well field located at the RFS was closed by campus contractors who filled the wells with grout as required by state regulations with oversight by Contra Costa County Health Services Department. As described in the January 31, 2006 news item, the purpose of the project was to decommission the historic research monitoring well field that is no longer in use.

February 16, 2006

The State of California Department of Toxics Substances Control has scheduled the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for Zeneca/Former Stauffer Chemical Company Site (that includes the Richmond Field Station and other nearby sites within its scope) for the following time and location:

Thursday, March 9, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m.

Richmond Convention Center - Bermuda Room
403 Civic Center Plaza at Nevin and 25th Streets
Richmond, California

The campus Office of Environment, Health & Safety recently completed supplemental air monitoring in the interior of Building 478 (former Forest Products Laboratory) to assess the potential for soil vapor intrusion from groundwater contamination at the neighboring former Zeneca site (now a private development not affiliated with UC Berkeley). During the sampling event, none of the contaminants of concern (arsenic, PCE, TCE and vinyl chloride) were found in Building 478.

February 2, 2006

In June 2005, officials from the California Department of Health Services and the Contra Costa County Health Services Department released a "Provisional Joint Health Statement Summary" concerning remediation activities at the RFS and adjacent Zeneca site (formerly Stauffer Chemical Company).  The agencies have recently updated this health statement.

January 31, 2006

Beginning on Tuesday January 31, 2006 and continuing until approximately February 17, 2006, drill rigs and support equipment will complete a monitoring well closure project. The main area of work is in the field north of Crow Drive to the west of Building 167 (Figure 3 of Report).

January 10, 2006

On Monday January 9, 2006 the Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) conducted an exploratory investigation of a fill area along Meeker Beach where a former RFS employee claimed to have buried metal drums in the late 1960s.

DTSC found no metal drums. DTSC surveys of excavated areas detected no radiation or volatile chemical contamination.

For more information see the January 10, 2006 DTSC Special Update.

January 5, 2006

1. Surrounding sites activities: Zeneca, a private development adjacent to the RFS but not affiliated with UC Berkeley, has completed marsh remediation and earth moving work for this construction season (remediation in the marsh is limited to September 1 to January 31 outside of the clapper rail breeding season). In January, the following activities will occur:

In recent months there have been questions about potential exposure to hazardous chemicals of Richmond Field Station employees and members of the general public. The Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated to address some of these concerns.

December 21, 2005

The State of California Department of Toxics Substances Control has scheduled the next meeting of the Community Advisory Group for Zeneca/Former Stauffer Chemical Company Site (that includes the Richmond Field Station and other nearby sites within its scope) for the following time and location:

Wednesday January 4, 2006, 6:30- 9:00 p.m.

Richmond Convention Center - Bermuda Room
403 Civic Center Plaza at Nevin and 25th Streets
Richmond, California.