
All News

September 22, 2009

Two projects involving soil borings at the RFS will occur in the next two weeks as described below. All work will be completed with EH&S oversight.

1. Two geotechnical borings for the Hydrogen Fueling Station project will be completed on Thursday September 24, 2009. The borings will be located in the area of the former Helipad to the south of building B420 (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research center). Soil from the borings will be placed in drums and sampled for waste characterization. The work will take no longer than one day.

The California clapper rail (Rallus longirotris obsoletus), the federally listed endangered bird species that resides in Western Stege Marsh at the Richmond Field Station, has been captured on video again in recent weeks. What's more, a rare video of two fledged chicks from a late season clutch was filmed on September 17, 2009, has provided photographic demonstration of breeding success in Western Stege Marsh for the second year in a row. To see the videos, go to the Restoration page of this website.

July 21, 2009

On Thursday July 23, 2009, consultants working for the City of Richmond Community Redevelopmnet Agnecy will complete borings to collect soil samples as part of a pre-construction soils condition evaluation for the temporary Meade Street by-pass roadway project. A drill rig will be used to collect the soil samples to a depth of ten feet below ground surface in six locations. All locations are located out side of the RFS fenceline to the north and west of RFS buildings 451-454.

June 24, 2009

Beginning Monday June 29, 2009, consultants at the former Zeneca site will begin installing 17 soil gas wells for continued investigation of the Lot 3 area of the site. See the DTSC Work Notice for more information.

June 10, 2009

The University of California, Berkeley, has entered into a settlement agreement that resolves a legal issue regarding an environmental cleanup project, and provides more than $140,000 in funding to a nationally-recognized “green collar” job training program in Richmond, campus officials announced today June 9, 2009.

June 5, 2009

The California Clapper Rail (Railus longirostris obsoletus) is a federally endangered species known to reside in Western Stege Marsh at the Richmond Field Station and in surrounding marshes. The US Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that there are less than one thousand of these birds remaining in California. The once abundant populations have diminished due to hunting, habitat loss, and predation from non-native species such as the red fox and domestic house cat..

April 3, 2009

Following 2004 excavation of contaminated sediments in Western Stege Marsh at the RFS, the campus initiated a marsh restoraiton program designed to restore the marsh as habitat for the endangered California clapper rail and associated flora and fauna.

February 27, 2009

On February 27, 2009, a draft Field Sampling Workplan (FSW) for continued investigations was submitted (see cover letter) to the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The FSW is intended to address the general, facility-wid strategy and protocols for field investigations to investigate data gaps identified in the Final Current Condtions Report (November 28, 2008). The FSW includes two appendicies: the Quality Assurance Project Plan (Appendix A) and the Health and Safety Plan (Appendix B).

Links to above documents:

February 18, 2009

All current and new members of the RFS community, including staff, students, faculty and tenants have been required to complete the “Working at the Richmond Field Station” powerpoint training program. New employees should complete the training during the first week of employment.

December 2, 2008

The Final Current Conditions Report for the RFS is now available electronically from this website on the Documents page. This report, required by the Department of Toxic Substances Contol (DTSC) Site Investigation and Remediation Order, provides a comprehensive summary of current conditions at the RFS.

November 21, 2008

Begining December 1, 2008 consultants working on site remediation activities at the former Zeneca site will install approximately 14 soil gas probes around the perimeter of the Lot 1 soil excavation that was completed in August 2008 (see Current Activities for more information).

September 25, 2008

On Wednesday October 1, 2008, contractors for the University will hand excavate approximately four cubic yards of soil in a remote location of the Richmond Field Station near the marsh where ash and debris were found in two areas that appear to have been locations where campfires were once built. The soil in these campfires was previously sampled and found to contain metals and polychlorinated biphenyls in concentrations requiring that they be removed to prevent potential exposure to humans, plants and animals.

September 12, 2008

Between October 2007 and February 2008, environmental consultants for the University implemented an indoor air monitoring program to supplement available data from past studies of RFS offices. The report "Indoor Air Monitoring University of California Richmond Field Station" completed August 22, 2008 by, Tetra Tech EM Inc. is available on the Air Monitoring Data page of this web site.

July 30, 2008

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has released the public comment draft of the Public Health Assessment (PHA) for the former Zeneca/ current Campus Bay site adjacent to the Richmond Field Station. The PHA is a report that presents the evaluation of potential exposure to contaminants at the former Zeneca site.

July 9, 2008

Remediation in the northwestern portion of the Campus Bay (former Zeneca) site (see June 11, 2008 news story below) continues to be temporarily delayed. Work is expected to resume on Friday July 11, 2008 and it expected to be completed during the week of July 14, 2008.

June 26, 2008

Rmediation in the northwestern portion of the Campus Bay (former Zeneca) site (see June 11, 2008 news story below) has been temporarily delayed. Work will resume on Wednesday July 2, 2008 and it expected to be finished on Tuesday July 8, 2008.

June 11, 2008

Remediation is expected begin, pending agency approval, on a 0.15 acre portion of land located within the 17 acre northwestern portion of the former Zeneca Site, known as Lot 1, during the week of June 16, 2008. The area to be excavated is located along S. 46th St. to the east of B478, near the front entrance to the RFS.

May 2, 2008

A new on-line training program entitled “Working at the Richmond Field Station” is now available for viewing. This training is required viewing for all current member of the RFS community, including staff, students, faculty and tenants. The training deadline for all current community members is June 30, 2008. New employees should complete the training during the first week of employment.

April 3, 2008

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)has released the final Public Health Assessment Evaluation of Exposure to Contaminants at the University of California, Berkeley, Richmond Field Station (PHA). This PHA was prepared by the California Department of Public Health (DPH), who released a draft public comment version in August 2007.